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  • Blog

    How to Hide Write-In Product on Opportunity Product Sub Grid

    When adding products to an opportunity with the inline sub grid, often you will only want to allow pre-existing products for your users, thus not needing or wanting the “Write-in Product” button. If you do not want users to be able to add a write-in product there are 3 ways you can accomplish: Option 1:…

    Concurrency, Inc.
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    Helpful SharePoint URLs & Site Locations

    If you’re like me and you can’t keep track of the numerous times you have had to jump to specific site locations or look at lists that are hidden within SharePoint, then this list of URLs will be a game changer. Below is a list of URLs that will come in handy for any SharePoint Admin or Power User when navigating to…

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    There seems to be a lot of strong opinions about using APPLY vs JOIN in the SQL community.  Many agree that if you can, the APPLY clause is the one to use for performance reasons.  So I decided to put these two clauses to the test, specifically OUTER APPLY and LEFT OUTER JOIN.  Microsoft System…

    Concurrency, Inc.
  • Blog

    Create a Workflow to Check Overdue Tasks Using SharePoint Designer

    Lately, I’ve learned almost anything can be made possible when working with SharePoint. The things that seem the most difficult and complex can actually turn out to be rather simple. A couple of weeks ago a client had requested a new SharePoint workflow to improve their task list. First, an email must be automated when…

    Concurrency, Inc.
  • Blog

    Expand / Resize Windows Azure VM OS / Data Disk

    While working on a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (classic) recently, I noticed that the OS disk was almost out of disk space along with an additional data disk that was attached to this Windows VM. If you are using a newer VM from Azure, you probably won’t encounter these problems as the default OS disk size is now 127GB…

    Concurrency, Inc.
  • Blog

    Creating an Audit Report for User Logins in Dynamics CRM

    If you’ve ever tried to create an audit report for Dynamics CRM, you may have noticed that you can’t create one with the Report Wizard. The Audit Summary Report in the Settings area gives you some information, provided you enable auditing for the correct entities. However, if you need detailed information on your report, or…

  • Blog

    What the Visual Studio Online (VSO) rename to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) means

    Last week at Connect() Microsoft announced the transition of its Visual Studio Online (VSO) service to the name Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) which better describes the role that it has as the platform for DevOps delivery.  The toolset is intended to be an end-to-end framework for delivering modern applications to customers.  Microsoft is serious about DevOps and this toolset is fully…

    Nathan Lasnoski
  • Blog

    Microservices with Azure App Services

    This is the first post in a series that takes a deep dive into Microservices & Azure App Services. The goal of this series is to educate you on microservices and how to apply a microservices style architecture to your new OR existing application by using Azure App Services, a newer PaaS offering to the Azure…

  • Blog

    Windows 10 Default App Protocols with Edge and Internet Explorer 11

    Modern Apps in Windows 10 present many organizations with new opportunities and challenges. While I like the new Edge browser and I see a lot of potential for it in the future, the fact is not everything works with it, and many organizations just aren’t ready to support a new default browser.  At the same time, gone…

    Concurrency, Inc.