
Holographic Brain ImageHolographic Brain Image


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    ERP Code to Product Specification Conversion with OpenAI

    Vikrant Deshpande
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    Why your Azure tenant needs sandbox subscriptions

    Hello, fellow cloud enthusiasts! Today I’m going to talk about a very important topic: sandbox landing zones in the cloud adoption framework. If you’re not familiar with the cloud adoption framework, it’s a set of best practices and guidance from Microsoft to help you plan and implement your cloud journey. Sandbox landing zones are isolated…

    Nathan Lasnoski
  • Blog

    Your customers are expecting more…

    Is this your customer service experience?  You have the opportunity with AI to tremendously improve the customer relationship… here’s how: 1. Meet the customer where they are…  understand the state of the customer at the point of time they are experiencing it. In this case, the customer is upset and NOT getting what they need. The experience below,…

    Nathan Lasnoski
  • Blog

    Should AI convey empathy?

    I was pursuing my Facebook feed the other day and came across an advertisement for Replika, an “Artificial Intelligence Friend”, which offers to be a virtual personal relationship, providing a vehicle for self-expression, understanding, and feedback. We’ve talked about Empathy in the context of bots or applications, but this is a whole new level. This…

    Nathan Lasnoski
  • Blog

    The Known and Theoretical Future Uses of ChatGPT in ChatGPT’s Own Words 

    I am sure that most of you in the tech sector have heard by now of ChatGPT.  It has been in the news recently as being able to pass exams from the Wharton School of Business and the University of Minnesota Law School.  These examples and many others including the potential to be able to…

    Charles Bates
  • Blog

    Applying Open AI to Manufacturing

    OpenAI ChatGPT is a new AI tool that can interact in a conversational way. It can follow instructions, answer questions, admit mistakes, challenge premises, and reject requests. It can also tell stories and write code. ChatGPT is trained using reinforcement learning from human feedback, which makes it more adaptable and responsive than traditional chatbots. But…

    Nathan Lasnoski
  • Blog

    How to make your hybrid meetings less terrible

    I’ve been part of a LOT of hybrid meetings lately (onsite and Teams). They stink. Here’s how you can make them better… 1. Have a room setup that is optimized for hybrid, such as a Surface Hub, where it naturally works with Teams without a lot of screwing around. I’ve seen a TON of terrible…

    Nathan Lasnoski