/ Insights / View Recording: Unraveling Identity Sprawl: Streamlining Identity Management Post-M&A Insights View Recording: Unraveling Identity Sprawl: Streamlining Identity Management Post-M&A February 20, 2025Has your organization been through multiple mergers and acquisitions, leaving a trail of legacy identity systems, inefficiencies, and lingering technical debt? Join us for a deep dive into how companies can tackle identity cleanup after years of post-M&A challenges. Discover actionable strategies to consolidate and modernize your identity environment, enabling a more secure, efficient, and integrated future. We’ll explore real-world examples of organizations that moved from fragmented systems to a streamlined state and discuss the critical steps to achieve a cloud-native, identity-first destination. Transcription Collapsed Transcription Expanded OK, everybody. We are really excited to join you today to talk about learning, to love mergers and acquisitions and in conjunction with that learning to do what to do with identity. What do I do with all these identity environments that we’ve created as a result of merging organizations eating one up, maybe spinning one off, having a lot of these interchanges of what’s important and not important around who’s here and who’s not? This is a great opportunity for us. Let’s talk about what do we do with that? So we’re gonna focus this conversation today on how do you deal with your identity environment when you have a little bit of a mess and you need to deal with it? So the two people here are myself, Nathan Lozanoski. I’m concurrency chief technology officer. I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn. Nathan Lasnoski 1 minute 1 second I produce a lot of content surrounding innovation around it, strategy, CIO strategy. Nathan Lasnoski 1 minute 8 seconds There’s a weekly newsletter that I think you get a lot of value from. Nathan Lasnoski 52 minutes 29 seconds You’re moving these together. Nathan Lasnoski 52 minutes 31 seconds And then access to the network and data center becomes part of the picture as part of all this is, but then having access to the applications for users that are migrated and users that are not migrated and then moving the app, all is kind of interweaving Steve ad. Nathan Lasnoski 52 minutes 49 seconds Of the pieces of the environment. Nathan Lasnoski 52 minutes 52 seconds All this needs to be taken into consideration. Nathan Lasnoski 52 minutes 57 seconds So these are some tools that you will probably end up using as part of your migration. We talked about quest. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 3 seconds That’s certainly something that you take advantage of in most organizations. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 7 seconds Sharegate. Pretty common. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 9 seconds Some companies already have that in place because they use it for SharePoint management. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 14 seconds Things like Azure migrate and storage mover come into play as you are taking environment data servers. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 20 seconds And you’re migrating that to the cloud. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 22 seconds I didn’t really talk much about that, but that is, that’s one of the things that happens very often in these projects is you’re you’re not only merging, you’re also trying to mitigate threats and probably close data centers as part of the merger or spin off. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 39 seconds So you are using tools to be able to move them into a cloud environment that you can trust because you built it and you secured it and you micro segmented it and you implemented your modern standards in and around it. Nathan Lasnoski 53 minutes 51 seconds So those tend to come into play. And then what we’ve tended to do in we don’t kind of run out of time to talk a lot about this, but we’ve built a tool called the Automator that helps facilitate the wave planning between all these migrations. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 8 seconds OK. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 8 seconds So how do we get organized? First is have a clear environment horizon plan. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 14 seconds What do I mean by that? Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 15 seconds I mean, know what? Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 17 seconds The destination environment you intend looks like many organizations go through this path with and they just move them into the existing tech debt rather than having a frame of the destination environment they want. Not only the merge environment to arrive at, but also. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 36 seconds The environment that they have today. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 38 seconds Right, I’ve got an environment now. I wanted to get to this modern state. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 41 seconds Skip over where you are now for the people you’re merging in. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 45 seconds Get them to that modern state to the extent to which you can so frame your integration to facilitate that migration to the horizon plan. Nathan Lasnoski 54 minutes 55 seconds Build your playbook in advance. That helps you to organize your plan to get to organize your. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 4 seconds Journey to that new horizon but also helps you. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 8 seconds Prepare for these M and as early on. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 12 seconds #4 don’t underestimate cost or timeline. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 15 seconds Oh my gosh. Like a you already have atsa probably. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 19 seconds But if it’s an old environment, don’t underestimate how significant of an effort this is and how much it will be all-encompassing. And then finally, set those clear expectations. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 30 seconds Expect pushback from leadership they’ll get. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 33 seconds They will give you unreasonable expectations. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 37 seconds For your execution, even the Tsa’s will feel like it is impossible. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 43 seconds They are possible oftentimes, but sometimes you need to provide those. That sort of clear push back to say no, I can’t have your e-mail integrated in two weeks like just not going to happen. Nathan Lasnoski 55 minutes 55 seconds So you need to be able to provide that that push back hurt any, any other learnings from this before we go to our action items. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 1 second56:01 Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 1 second You know that they don’t underestimate it. It can’t. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 4 seconds It can’t be said enough. There really is no such thing as simple when you’re starting to talk about integrating 2 businesses and organizations from a technology standpoint. And I think the the organizations that go through recurring M and A or divestitures, acquisitions, they build up that muscle to. Nathan Lasnoski 56 minutes 15 seconds56:15 Nathan Lasnoski 56 minutes 15 seconds Morning. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 25 seconds56:25 Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 25 seconds Understand that. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 27 seconds In giving the respect to evaluate. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 30 seconds A plan. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 30 seconds How this is gonna impact each and every user and workflow you have in your organization is very very critical. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 38 seconds And that’s where you can get to that playbook. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 40 seconds But often times we see clients that you do stumble over it the first time you see customers that that may be make an assumption that this will be easy. They’re doing it pretty close to the same way we are, but every business, every department is unique. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 54 seconds In investing in the planning to get your arms around the business problems. Kurt Spitzner 56 minutes 59 seconds That you’re actually solving by bringing the organizations together is really critical in the early stages. Kurt Spitzner 57 minutes 5 seconds You plan right? Kurt Spitzner 57 minutes 6 seconds You can run downhill you don’t. Kurt Spitzner 57 minutes 8 seconds And it becomes a challenging opportunity when you’re against the timeline, it can be very tricky. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 15 seconds57:15 Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 15 seconds Yeah, well said, OK. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 17 seconds So we just hit the tip of the iceberg here. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 20 seconds But what we would love to do is do an identity environment, envisioning session with all of you. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 26 seconds Well individually with each company, I think you’d find a ton of value in that. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 31 seconds We would offer that as an investment from concurrency to do that, envisioning session gains we the goal of this is to gain strategic insights and risk analysis for your environment, but also have some a little bit of additional information on. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 43 seconds What a consolidation environment or decision making process would look like? Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 48 seconds So that’s sort of thing one we would love to have that conversation with you. Nathan Lasnoski 57 minutes 53 seconds And then second would be you might be in a situation where you’re trying to do a lot of M and as you see 345 coming up this year and you want to build a customized guide to be able to do that well and streamline it in. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 5 seconds Your business, so we can help you build that M and a playbook if that’s something interesting. Definitely let us know. We have a template to bring the table to help get you started. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 14 seconds Getting going faster on that. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 15 seconds So both of these I think are really valuable, especially number one is very tactical. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 21 seconds Let’s get engaged and #2 as let’s do something really strategic to position ourselves for what’s coming in the future. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 28 seconds So really appreciate everyone’s time being part of the session today, OK? Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 34 seconds Yes, Mary Jo, thank you for asking that question. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 36 seconds Any tips on how to talk to Microsoft and avoid paying for two Microsoft M365 licenses? Yes. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 42 seconds So where that comes into play? Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 44 seconds OK is if you have to have a migration plan so like if you have two environments, this might be telling you something you already know. Nathan Lasnoski 58 minutes 53 seconds But if you have two environments and you’re trying to bring them together, Microsoft will give you a like free license period where you won’t have to double pay. It’s a bridge agreement. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 4 seconds Where you can bring the environment over to the destination environment for a period of time. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 8 seconds I’ve found those to last from like 3 months to like, sometimes up to six months, but usually three is the main period that you get. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 18 seconds So if you want some help kind of navigating that, happy to help you out. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 23 seconds Any other questions? Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 34 seconds Awesome. Well, I know we’re at the top of the hour. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 36 seconds Thank you so much. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 37 seconds Great conversation with you all today. Nathan Lasnoski 59 minutes 39 seconds Thank you for taking time and make sure you let us know which of those follow-ups you’d like to engage in. Kurt Spitzner 59 minutes 45 seconds59:45 Kurt Spitzner 59 minutes 45 seconds Thanks everyone.