Case Studies Weather Data Saves Grocery Retailer Many Millions in Labor Savings

Weather Data Saves Grocery Retailer Many Millions in Labor Savings

AI Demand Planning

A large grocery retailer in the U.S. implemented an AI demand planning solution to address the issue of excess labor costs. By integrating weather patterns into their demand planning system, they were able to optimize staffing and reduce labor expenses. The implementation was completed in just four weeks and resulted in significant cost savings of $4.67 million in the first year. Additionally, the incorporation of weather data led to a better understanding of customer behavior.

Critical Issue

A large grocery retailer in the U.S. with 2,500+ stores and $125+ billion in revenue was struggling with efficiently staffing stores and applying labor costs. Their current demand forecast did not include weather and other significant factors that influence shopping behavior. This resulted in hourly labor capacity levels that were too high or too low, causing excess labor costs.

Operation Icon

Customer Profile

Large grocery retailer in the U.S.

2,500+ stores, $125B+ revenue

Crisis Icon

Key Problems

Excess labor costs due to poor forecast of customers

our solution

We identified the primary weather patterns that significantly influenced demand and seamlessly integrated them into the current demand planning system, effectively feeding into the labor capacity planner in Kronos. This fully automated solution runs in production and includes a user-friendly dashboard for monitoring accuracy. Remarkably, the implementation was completed in just four weeks by a lone team member, utilizing a tech stack comprising Azure, Python, and Databricks to ensure efficient and effective execution.

The results

Gear with rotating arrows

In the first year alone, the implementation resulted in substantial savings of $4.67 million through

reduced labor costs. Furthermore, it was revealed that

every 1% reduction in excess scheduled labor equates to savings of $930,000 per year, highlighting the

significant and ongoing financial benefits derived

from the solution.

workflow around a money sign

The incorporation of weather patterns into the demand planning system has led to a better understanding of customer behavior. Empirical evidence has not only supported but also validated the existing tribal knowledge regarding the impact of weather on consumer behavior, thereby enhancing the retailer’s insight into customer preferences and shopping habits.

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