/ Insights / Exporting SharePoint Group Members to Excel Without PowerShell Insights Exporting SharePoint Group Members to Excel Without PowerShell November 2, 2015 Concurrency, Inc.I was at a client recently and was not allowed to run any powershell commands but needed a list of accounts that existed in a SharePoint Group in a table format. I also was not allowed site collection administration permission. I tried a few different options in which trying to manipulate the list view of the group and using Excel data connections to get back to SharePoint but no option worked very cleanly. What I ended up using was a REST call to get the users and then downloading the XML response and opening it with Excel. Use this link to learn about the available REST api’s for users & groupsHere are the steps….owershell.Get-SPSite http://server/sites/yoursite | Select -ExpandProperty RootWeb | Select -ExpandProperty Groups | Where {$_.Name -EQ “group name”} | Select -ExpandProperty Users | Select Name, Email| Export-Csv c:\scripts\users.txtHere is the command to do it with SharePoint OnlineGet-SPOUser -Site https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/finance -Group “group name”Handy links!How to: Use PowerShell to Create and Manage Users and Groups in SharePoint OnlineExploring SharePoint Users, Groups, and Security Using PowerShell